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Acellerate GF™ is a “high concentration”, Growth Factor product which can be used in conjunction with your Stem Cell treatments, or as a Stand-Alone Regenerative Therapy for the effective treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions, neuropathy and chronic non-healing wounds. Acellerate GF™ is a proprietary activator/aggregator formulation developed by Plasma Solutions specifically for deriving an injectable platelet concentrate with a high concentration of both platelet-rich plasma and platelet-poor plasma, and activators of Growth Factors (GF), recruiters of Stem Cells (SC), proteins and fibrinogen in high concentrations. These all work together to facilitate the healing of soft tissue, tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints, and nerves.

Acellerate GF™ has an overall higher growth factor concentration and liquid-fibrin matrix, the key benefit of which is to promote accelerated proliferation of growth factors for more effective and rapid healing, without the pain experienced on injection with PRP. It is a natural platelet concentrate used in regenerative medicine that requires only a small amount of the patient’s own blood to initiate the healing process, and is a fast-acting and highly effective way to non-operatively treat certain injury to soft tissue, tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints, and nerves.

For fast and efficient preparation of the platelet concentrate, Plasma Solutions offers Acellerate GF™ in a syringe 3 pack, including 3 blood collection tubes.

Acellerate GF™ can be used as stand-alone treatment or in conjunction with stem cell therapy to treat patients suffering from (i) musculoskeletal injury, (ii) neuropathy, or (iii) chronic nom-healing wounds, who are seeking regenerative therapy as an alternative to surgery or drugs, or a complementary treatment to allopathic medicine approaches. It is a natural, non-operative healing modality that is non-painful, rapid, safe, and results in effective treatment outcomes. Acellerate GF™ requires only a small amount of a patient’s own blood to stimulate tissue repair, regeneration, and rapid healing without risk of rejection or allergic reaction, disease transmission or infection.

For example, Acellerate GF™ can benefit patients needing an aggressive healing program in order to avoid surgery (i.e., total knee or total hip replacement) or amputation of a non-healing wound. It can also be used a pre-stem cell injection to start inflammation and native healing, and form a matrix for stem cells to adhere, with stem cells subsequently being introduced 2 weeks thereafter. It likewise can be used post-stem cell therapy to “boost” stem cell activity 1-2 months after stem-cell treatment. The end results are overall better outcomes for patients, increased patient satisfaction and compliance.

Practitioners can offer multiple effective options as a comprehensive or standalone therapy based on patient affordability and receptivity to treatment. This helps to differentiate your practice vs. other local healthcare providers, as well as increase patient satisfaction and compliance. Patients understand the benefits of a multiple injection protocol and a lower cost per treatment, which incentivizes them to return to your practice.


Plasma Solutions provides training webinars, onboarding, and advanced training, and other technical assistance to create treatment protocols and educate patients, and business training and marketing support to integrated practices that want to begin offering regenerative therapies to their patients. This all results in positive economic impact for your patients and your practice. Plasma Solutions has helped clinics nationwide implement regenerative therapy service centers into their practice.

Acellerate GF™ is our newest regenerative medicine product and is not another PRP product. Many different products and methodologies exist to prepare PRP, all of which are not equal. Acellerate GF™ is not the standard PRP product because it formulates a platelet concentrate that is a combination of both platelet-rich (PRP) and platelet-poor plasma (PPP), mixed with other key growth factors. While most companies discard the platelet-poor plasma, Plasma Solutions has found that the PPP actually contains high levels of protein and fibrinogen. Both are absolutely essential in the wound and injury healing process. Without fibrinogen it is very difficult for tissue to heal. As a result, Acellerate GF™ can be used to treat orthopedic conditions and injuries, as well as peripheral neuropathy, including patients who suffer from diabetic nerve pain.


Acellerate GF™ both activates and aggregates platelets prior to injection using a proprietary solution. This is key in promoting rapid healing with minimal to no pain, and is harmless to the patient because it consists of a proprietary mixture of two elements present naturally in the blood stream.  Most patients actually do feel a difference right away. Patients also experience little to no pain upon injection, unlike the intense pain patients complain of with standard PRP, and generally do not need to be administered anti-inflammatory medications. As a result, they are more compliant in completing the full treatment regimen. Acellerate GF™ was developed in an actual medical practice, where our team of physicians and technologists were able to see results and optimize product efficacy.

Human blood is made up of 93% red blood cells, 6% white blood cells, 1% platelets and plasma. Platelets are the body’s natural response to injury healing, and in conjunction with the liquid plasma in PRP and PPP contain high concentrations of growth factors that induce accelerated tissue regeneration and proliferation. When platelets become activated and are injected into damaged tissues, growth factors are released and initiate the body’s natural healing response, including attracting stem cells to the injury. These blood-borne stem cells, called pluripotent stem cells, have the ability to create new tissue at the injury site. We have identified 7 growth factors which are released with Acellerate GF™ .

To maximize the healing process, the platelets must be concentrated and separated from the red blood cells. In the proper concentration and use, platelets can lower pain level, work extremely fast, and are a complete treatment. As a regenerative medicine product, the function of Acellerate GF™ is to maximize the number of platelets and minimize the number of red blood cells in a solution injected into the injured or pained area(s) in order to create, stimulate, and accelerate the body’s natural healing process. Clinical trials prove the effectiveness and safety of PRP for almost all types of chronic healing, using the patient’s own blood and centrifuging it to create a concentrated platelet solution injected into the injury site. This has been proven to stimulate tissue repair, regeneration, and rapid healing without risk of rejection or allergic reaction, disease transmission or infection.

Plasma Solutions uses a proprietary solution, which is patent pending. An independent chemical analysis has concluded that it is “safe and effective” when used as an activator/aggregator. The elements of the solution are naturally present in everyone’s blood stream.  Acellerate GF™ does not require refrigeration, and has a long product shelf life of 12 months.

There is one published study in the Journal of Treatment and Management of HIV (2013) which actually focuses on our product. However, there are hundreds of studies and reports that prove the clinical efficacy of PRP and Platelet Concentrates. These studies and reports date back over 30 years. By no means is this “new technology”. You will find several links on our website.


This product is certified to meet all applicable USP Monographs. Your syringe has been produced and packaged under Class 10 Laminar Flo, or in a Class 10k processing area.  The FDA presently only approves the centrifuge used to produce the Acellerate GF™concentrate of platelets, proteins, growth factors, fibrinogen and stem cell activators .  However, all of the components of our kit are individually approved at the manufacturer level.



We have specific protocols for treating musculoskeletal conditions, peripheral neuropathy and chronic wounds.  After the patient’s blood is drawn, processing time is only 15 minutes.  You should be able to complete your patient’s visit in 30 minutes.   We recommend that the patient have 2 to 3 treatments over 4 to 8 weeks to ensure comprehensive healing has been achieved.